Palpables NFT

We offer Shiro NFT

Why offer Shiro NFT?

We encourage you to open portals and step into new worlds just like Shiro. By placing your feet on the Palpables smart scale, you begin a new journey. Meet Shiro, your companion on this adventure.

Shiro is a Shiba Inu who is brave, loyal, and very curious. He is also kind and friendly, and he easily gets along with people around him. Shiro never backs down from a tough situation and has the strength and determination to always keep trying.

Necklace: Shiro has a golden necklace from Kaida. Normally, it isn't very noticeable, but whenever he uses magic, it glows softly and gives off a mysterious vibe.

Growth: Shiro keeps growing through his adventures. He started as a small Shiba Inu, but with courage and wisdom, he becomes stronger and more confident over time.

Abilities: Shiro can calmly solve problems even in difficult situations. His mysterious power spreads positive energy to people and animals around him.

How about distribution plan?

A total of 10,000 Shiro NFTs will be created, each with unique traits. Check the traits section below to see the specific features.

Distribution Plan:

  • 1,000 NFTs will be allocated to the whitelist.

  • 3,000 NFTs will be available for public minting.

  • 5,000 NFTs will be issued to device users.

The remaining 1,000 NFTs will be retained by the company for expanding the storyline and collaborating with other brands.

With the development of additional Palpables devices, various NFTs such as Kaida, Lunis, and the grown-up Shiro are planned for release.

How to get Shiro NFT?

Three Ways to Obtain Shiro NFT:

  1. Purchase NFTs on the website (Whitelist/Public) - includes both the NFT and the device.

  2. Purchase a device on the website, perform routines, mine PALT, and then buy the NFT.

  3. Buy the NFT from others on P2P Platform like OpenSea.

Benefits of Holding Shiro NFT:

  1. Economic Gain: You can sell the Shiro NFT on external platforms like OpenSea for economic benefits.

  2. Adventure Participation: You can participate in the "Adventures with Shiro" content offered through the Palpables app. This allows Shiro NFT holders to take pictures with Shiro and save memories.

  3. Community Membership: Holding a Shiro NFT means being an official member of the community, representing courage and justice like Shiro. We believe such individuals will nurture and protect the community. Therefore, Shiro NFT holders will have a say in major financial and non-financial decisions and can offer suggestions for improvement.

Value of Shiro NFT

  1. Scarcity: Only 10,000 Shiro NFTs exist.

  2. Acquisition Difficulty: Purchasing an NFT directly is expensive, and earning one through routines requires consistent time and attention.

  3. Appeal: Shiro's cute design makes it easy to show off and perfect for use as a profile picture.

The Feature of Shiro NFT

Coming soon

Shiro loves his world and strives to protect those dear to him. Despite the presence of dark entities like Lunis, Shiro has the courage to fight against the darkness. However, to face greater dangers ahead, Shiro needs companions to venture forward with. He hopes to gather these companions, defeat the greater darkness, and share heroic tales by the warm campfire. Shiro needs someone like you.

Last updated