
Our platform encourages users to make habit through routine

Purpose of Making Wellness Habit

Even without special exercise or diet, simply being aware of your weight every day can improve your life. By measuring your weight in the morning and at night, you can track daily fluctuations and changes after sleep to better understand your body’s condition.

This is a simple yet essential activity that everyone can do, but not everyone does. That’s why we support this habit by issuing daily quests for routine checks and rewarding users with tokens for completing them.

Through this process, we create a palpable platform that unites participants in achieving common actions and values. Members of our platform will voluntarily perform their routines, fostering growth for both themselves and the platform.

66 days(Maximum 100 days)

We focus our routines on a 66-day period because research by Keller J and others shows that this is the mean time for forming habits. Maintaining a regular lifestyle for about two months is also a worthwhile effort. To accommodate the difficulty of daily consistency, we allow PALT mining over a total of 100 days. Users who complete the quests on 66 of those days can develop good habits and gain financial benefits. (Of course you can complete the quest on 100 days and get more palpable rewards)


Our quests focus on the essentials to improve your life.

In order to operate a sustainable blockchain platform, we sought a mining method that fundamentally improves our users, rather than the traditional one-time, consumptive mining approach. We discovered that regularly managing oneself is something anyone can do, yet it is quite challenging and immensely valuable. This realization aligns closely with the philosophy of blockchain.

Participants who join us will feel not only the value increase of tokens and NFTs but also the enhancement of their devices and personal worth.

Quest 1: Weigh Yourself After Waking Up

Typically, your weight is at its lowest after waking up because your body continues to use energy even while you sleep. Losing weight during sleep is key to maintaining good metabolism and managing your weight. So, we ask you to weigh yourself after you get up.

Quest 2: Weigh Yourself Before Bed

Generally, your weight before going to bed is higher than after you wake up. Throughout the day, you use energy through activities but also consume food, often more than the energy you use. To track changes in your energy (weight), we also ask you to weigh yourself before bedtime.

Quest 3: Eating List(=Energy Intake)

You gain energy by breathing air, and by eating and drinking. To understand what factors affect your energy levels, we ask you to keep a record of the food and drinks you consume.

Quest 4: Activity List(=Energy Expenditure)

Finally, we want to know how different activities affect your energy levels by having you track the energy you use. To understand yourself better, you need to recognize your own actions. Therefore, we ask you to keep a record of your activities.

Last updated